School Closure/Delay Procedures

Please follow the guidelines below in the event of a snow day or a delay.

  • When weather conditions or other emergency situations dictate, we may cancel or delay school if the school day has not already started. Also, we may close school if the school day has already started. Under these conditions, personal contact with each parent is virtually impossible. Therefore, it is important for parents to be aware that such announcements are made via School Messenger and the local Radio and TV stations.
  • When the district announces a two-hour delay, this means the buses will be dispatched starting two hours later. Parents should be aware that other routing delays can make the bus later yet. For example: On a two-hour delay add two hours to your normal stop time, i.e., If the bus usually comes at 7:15, with a two-hour delay it will come at about 9:15.

Parents should remember that North Country winters can be severe

  • When school is forced to close early, and your child needs to go to another person's home for temporary care, you must have this information on file in the office at the building where your child attends school.

  • Delays and closings will be announced on the School Messenger System and local radio stations and TV stations listed below.


School Closure/Delay Procedures